

Lets briefly look at the 3 most common water



Lets briefly look at the 3 most common water

Lets briefly look at the 3 most common water problems that almost all fish tank aquariums suffer from at one time or another. One of the main causes is the sun. Green water is most likely caused by algae and it can quickly take over your entire tank. To get rid of the smell, you will need to do a water change. If your fish tank aquarium is exposed to direct sunlight, then algae will start growing at a rapid pace. Brass water pipe
By designing your tank properly you can prevent a lot of these water problems. Smelly Water

No one wants a beautiful fish tank on display that smell bad. Cloudy Water

Cloudy water can spoil your whole fish tank and turn a bright and colorful delight into a dirty pond where no one can appreciate your beautiful fish. Not only does it distract from the beauty of your tank, but it can be very unpleasant for your fish. Some aquarium fish are very sensitive and the slightest change in water conditions can be fatal.

1. The first thing you need to do is to check your filter and make sure that its working properly and that its capacity is sufficient for your tank size.


3. If you are not very experienced having water trouble can be very puzzling and sometimes the problem cant even been seen. This is what causes the bad smell.

When there is excess waste in your tank, ammonia and nitrates can build up and cause the water to become toxic.
. The bad small is most likely caused by high ammonia and nitrite levels in the water. A clean tank is not only important because it looks good, but in the end you have to provide a clean and safe environment for your fish to flourish. Even though they often look the worse, the fact that you can see the mistake makes it quite easy to fix as there are some more serious problems that will kill your fish before you see the problem in the water. A UV Clarifier can help you solve your green water problem, but a proper water change and a good scrub down can help you fix this problem. With too much food, it tends to dissolve into the water and cause the cloudiness.

Cloudy water is mostly the cause of over feeding.Keeping the water in your fish tank clean, pristine and healthy can be one of the most difficult tasks there is. Green Water

If your fish tank looks like some alien dumped its gue into it, then you need to act fast. Having a big enough tank, with proper filtration and optimum location you can keep your fish tank aquarium pretty much hassle free.

Make sure you place your tank well away from direct sunlight at all times of the day and year. Having too much fish in your tank can also cause cloudiness and your tanks filtration cant keep up with the excess waste. Fish tanks can easily start smelling if proper care is not taken




No Name Ninja
